17 maio 2012

Bob Marley disse: ''Tu não podes ser a primeira dele a última ou a sua única. Ele amava antes e pode amar novamente. Mas se ele te ama agora, o que mais importa? Ele não é perfeito, nem tu, e vocês dois nunca será perfeito. Mas se ele te pode fazer rir pelo menos uma vez. Não deixes de dar o teu melhor. Ele não vai recitar poesia,e não pensa em ti o tempo todo, mas vai dar uma parte dele, não mudes, e não esperes mais do que ele te pode dar. Não analises. Sorri quando ele te faz feliz, chora quando sentires saudade dele. Ama com toda a tua alma quando tu receberes o amor dele . Porque os rapazes não são perfeitos, mas há sempre um garoto que é perfeito para ti ..."
‎"If you love 'two' people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really loved the first one you wouldn't have fallen for the second."
.If you close yourself, you are only closing yourself to a world that will go on without you.
.Look at a star in the sky not as something unreachable but as a planet you would visit one day
A bubble isn't reality You gotta have a look outside.

(Yoko Ono)

25 agosto 2011

04 julho 2011

03 julho 2011

I hate how Cosmo has articles like "What kind of cleavage/hair/makeup/panties etc. guys like most!" As if men should be the main motivation for our outward appearance. As a matter of fact a lot of things in Cosmo relates to how to please men in some form or another. I'm by no means a bra burning feminist. I believe in having equal rights, I believe that women have some advantages over men and men have some advantages over women, but in the end we're equal. However, I do believe that magazines like Cosmo oppress women more in a way. And I do actually like Cosmo. I started reading my mom's Cosmo mags when I was no older than 9 years old. But as I grow older, I see how dumb it can make women if you're not sharp enough to read between the lines.
Sure there are some trends/hairstyles/whatever that some men hate but if you're attractive as a whole (including your heart and personality), it doesn't matter wtf you wear and guys don't notice most things like that anyway. If you're showing cleavage, he doesn't care if it's via pushup bra, keyhole dress, sweetheart neckline, he just likes that he sees boobs. Period. And as a friend once told me, a guy doesn't know what he likes until he has it. Generally speaking, men are very simple. Either you're attractive or unattractive. Either they like you or they don't like you. They don't really break down the little details as to why you're unattractive such as whether your ponytail is high, medium, or low (yes, that is a REAL article. Medium ponytails were the most attractive, then low, then high -__-) Not to mention, every guy is different.
When some girls take these articles to heart, it can lead to insecurity and even turning into one of those psycho clingy girls who have no sense of self because they try so hard to be someone's imagined idea of "attractive".
I also started reading my older brother's issues of Maxim when I was a kid and it's still my favorite men's magazine today. But I noticed the stark contrast between the subject matter of women/teen girl magazine's and men's magazines. Other than the usual sex tips, men's magazines don't really revolve around pleasing women. It's all about guy stuff and hot chicks.
This was a spur of the moment blog that I literally wrote in 10 minutes so my ideas may be a little muffled but basically I'm saying that the reading material and even t.v. shows aimed toward women and girls are in fact making us insecure, weak, pathetic, psychotic to an extent, jealous (relates to insecurity), catty, annoying, shallow, vain and quite frankly, moronic. But this is nothing new. We've been conditioned since we were little girls. Don't even get me started on Disney movies.
Don't think about all those things you fear. Just be glad to be here.